This site is changing hands. Please follow the link just below to the new site and save this link for future reference. It may be some time before a normal search will find our new site.

                                                                 New Christian Book Service Site

This site is set up as a convenience for those who like to keep in touch with the books we have available. You will see a menu down the left-hand side which is very easy to use.

The main feature of this website is the catalogue/price list. Feel free to browse this at your leisure. If you'd like to place an order or ask any questions, you can email us at david.christianbookservice@gmail.com

We might not have all the items in stock that are listed in our catalogue/pricelist ... however, if we don't have it in stock, we're happy to order from our suppliers.

We trust that the sale of the books on this site results in the glory of God and the honour and exaltation of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.